You can make a difference by donating today to Fishermen Ministry Group Inc.

We are currently rehabbing approximately 5000 square feet which consists of dorms that will house 12 homeless Urban Teen & Young Adult Males in the City of Philadelphia. Within our facility we are also building a state of the art Recording Studio, Film Lab, & other arts based studios to train these young men and others urban youth in the arts. We will have house parents onsite to cover and train up these young men in the things of The Lord. Furthermore, there are already sports facilities on the grounds and on the campus where our center is that we will use to train these young men in Sports while also guiding their academic progress. We currently completed and are now screening our recently completed movie Jesus Saves! Part 1 which is a billboard for the center and being used to help provide for the center.

Any donations received will help us in our rehabbing work of the Sports & Arts Center and also help us to promote our movie which is owned by our Non-Profit and also cover fees associated with the movie.

We are taking this MOVIEment on the road to reach young people all over the world with The Gospel of Jesus Christ while also developing our new center. We are so excited and hope you can partner with us to reach young people of all walks of life all over the world.

Thank you so much. And may The Grace of Jesus Christ bless you for your support.